Sync Parsing Async In&Out Parsing Async Out Parsing
Fetches json and parses it in the UI thread. Fetches json in the UI thread and asks webworker to parse it and return obj. UI thread just asks webworker to fetch json, parse it and return the obj.
total duration
from hitting run until accessing parsed object in the UI thread
total time spent parsing including web worker messaging (total time without xhr)
post msg
duration of calling postMessage to send a msg to a worker
duration of from when a message is sent into a worker until it is received by the worker
net parse
net parsing duration (duration of the JSON.parse call)
duration from when a response message is sent from the worker until it is received by the main ui thread
xhr duration
duration of the xhr call
string length
length of the json payload
array length
length of the parsed array
max lag
top 5 longest latencies in the UI thread